Integrity of "Malempu" Bugis Cultural Values in the Education System
Integrity of "Malempu" Bugis Cultural Values in the Education System
By Irfan,S.Pd
Education is a forum in the process of applying, processing knowledge, skills and attitudes through the form of teaching, training or research according to the prevailing system in Indonesia. Quality education is how when a country implements an education system as a social institution that has strong substance and character so that it is able to answer future challenges.
In the education system, support is needed from 3 aspects which are often called the Education Tricenter, namely Family, School and Community. And this must be used as the basis that the educational process is not always held in school education units, but education starts from the family, as we know that the family is the first and foremost education in an effort to shape the human person.
.Things that must be considered in education include attitudes and differences. And of course this nation must be able to unite these differences so that it becomes unique for the State of Indonesia. Because Indonesia consists of cultural diversity such as customs, languages, tribes, songs, and dances. And this is something that must not be lost from this country, because this is our advantage in Indonesia and of course it is packaged in one unit which we call Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
Culture is a place for self-actualization of a nation that is a reflection of society. In Indonesia, there are many cultures which of course have their own meaning for the people, and are used as a guide in everyday life. Culture is also used as a binding rule for society which is often called norms, such as moral norms, legal norms, and dress norms. And these are the values that should be used as the basis for implementing an education system.
Local culture is a characteristic of a group or ethnic group that is used as a guide in behaving, acting in the group environment. In an education system must integrate local cultural values, because there are character values in it. So the existence of local cultural values in the application of the education system will support the realization of the goals of the education system.
However, the reality that occurs in society, especially in the education process, is the lack of public awareness in applying local cultural values in their respective regions. This happens because of the influence of modernization and globalization which always prioritizes results without going through a process that is of course in accordance with existing cultural rules and values. For example, in the exam process there are still students who work on questions with no confidence and always cheat, namely cheating, besides that there are still many students when asked by the teacher always saying dishonest in order to get high praise and grades without caring about the impact.
Culture that can improve the quality of education is not only found in the arts, be it dance, music, visual arts, but also the cultural norms that apply to the local community itself must be used as a basis. And of course, every region in Indonesia has cultural norms that serve as guidelines or rules that can shape human character, especially in the educational process. It aims to improve the quality of education and invites the public, especially elements of education to preserve Indonesian culture.
We can take concrete examples of the culture that exists in society, such as the Bugis culture, namely "Malempu" (Honest). Malempu culture in the Bugis tribe is very important in acting and behaving. Even though the times are getting more advanced, the Bugis culture is still a priority among the people. Malempu culture must be used as a national character value that supports the progress of this education. Of course, the implementation of the Bugis Malempu culture is one of the realizations rather than strengthening character education.
When the malempu culture is used as a guide for students and teachers in carrying out the educational process, the quality of education will be realized properly. In addition, the existence of this culture will have a positive impact on students when they are in the world of work. Therefore, it is very important for the government to design an education system with religious, nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation, and integrity characteristics. This can be realized through culture-based education, namely the integration of Bugis Malempu cultural values into the education system.
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